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Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions



Welcome to the website of Cambodia Business Champions (the “” or “Site”).

These Terms & Conditions (“T&C”) will govern the sale-purchase transaction of the products and any other available items (the “Item“) listed on this Site (the “Service”). Please read the following T&C carefully before proceeding to finalize any purchase(s) of Item(s) on this site to be properly aware of your legal rights and obligations.


This T&C sets forth the legally binding term of the sale-purchase transaction between you ( “Customer”) and the Site. By using our Service and/or proceeding to finalize the purchase of the Item(s) on this Site, Customer acknowledges that the Customer gave an irrevocable acceptance of and consent to the T&C including additional terms referenced herein and/or linked hereto. And, Customer agree to the processing of personal data as described in the Privacy Policy linked here.

The Customer represents and warrants that the Customer are at the age of majority based on the applicable Cambodian Law (or obtain the necessary consent from a parent or legal guardian) and have full legal rights to enter into this agreement. If Customer does not fulfill these representations or does not have a full understanding of this section, please do not proceed to purchase the Item(s).

Despite the above agreement, the Site reserves the right to unilaterally terminate this agreement in the event of stock unavailability of the Item and another reasonable event as notified by the Site to the Customer. In this event, the Site will refund the paid amount or provide other alternative solution(s) as agreed between the Customer and the Site.

Price and Charges

Unless otherwise specified during the payment process, our indicated price in the Site is inclusive of only the Item’s price and delivery cost but excludes any applicable tax and other expense.

Payment Method

The Customer may process the payment via Direct Bank Transfer to our Bank Account mentioned in the payment instructions during the purchase or any other payment methods available in the Site as implemented from time to time.

Customer acknowledges that the payment processing is not under the control of the Site, and the Site shall take no responsibility for failure transaction, technical issue of the transaction, and other security issues. For further information, the Customer shall read the General Terms & Conditions for Online Banking Service of ABA and Terms and Conditions of Bakong System.

The Site takes no responsibility and assumes no liability for any loss or damages to the Customer arising from the payment information entered by the Buyer or a wrong remittance by the Customer in connection with the payment of Item(s). We reserve the right to check whether the Customer is duly authorized to use a certain payment method, and may suspend the transaction until such authorization is confirmed, or cancel the relevant transaction where such confirmation is not available.

No Refund, No Cancellation, and No Return Policy

Pertaining to the refund and replacement policy, please refer to Refunds and Return Policy.

Intellectual Property

All intellectual property displayed on the Site and of our Item(s) are the property of the Site and where applicable, third-party proprietors identified in the Site. No rights or license is granted directly or indirectly to any party accessing the Site and/or using the Service to use or reproduce any Intellectual Property, and no party accessing the Site and/or using the Service shall claim any right, title, or interest therein. By accessing the site and/or using the Services, the Customer and/or Site visitor agrees to comply with the copyright and all other applicable laws that protect the Item, the Services, the Site, and its content. The Customer agrees not to copy, distribute, republish, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, modify, adapt, rent, sell or create derivative works of any portion of the Item(s), Services, the Site or its Content. The Customer and/or Site visitor also may not, without our prior written consent, mirror or frame any part or whole of the Contents of this Site on any other server or as part of any other website. In addition, the Customer and/or Site visitor agrees not to use any robot, spider or any other automatic device or manual process to monitor or copy our content, without our prior written consent.


Your privacy is very important to us at the Site. To better understand these rights, we have provided the Privacy Policy to explain our privacy practices in detail. Please review the Privacy Policy to understand how the Site collects and uses the information associated with the Customer’s use of the Service (“User Information”). By using the Services or providing information on the Site, the Customer and/or Site visitor:

  1. Consent to the Site’s collection, use, disclosure and/or processing of the content, and personal data as described in the Privacy Policy and as indicated in this T&C; and
  2. Agree and acknowledge that the proprietary rights of the personal data are jointly owned by Customer and the Site.

Amendment and Severability

We reserve the right to amend or modify this T&C at any time. Such changes will be shown online. Continuing to use our Service of the Site will be deemed to constitute the acceptance of the new Terms and Conditions.

If any of these conditions shall be deemed invalid, void, or any reason unenforceable, such conditions shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining condition.

Applicable Law

This T&C is governed by the laws of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

Communication/ Contact

Should there is any issue relating to the use of our Service, please contact us via our email address:

Note that the Site reserves full rights to take any legal action toward the Customer or Site visitor who violated this T&C and/or the Site.